Put your money to work while helping others.
Contributing to Ravida is like GoFundMe...with cash rewards.
What is a Contributor?
Our network of people who help others stay out of financial struggles due to healthcare costs.
When you support our users, you have the ability to earn rewards with every dollar you contribute.
How contributing works.
There are three parts.
Make a pledge
You can click here to submit an pledge right now!
Fulfill the pledge
We'll look for an ask on our network that matches your pledge profile. When one is found we'll send next steps.
Earn Returns
Every month we will share up to 50% of our fees with you from the asks that your pledges support.
When you make a contribution you are not only helping others get out of a financial bind, you making long term changes to family trees.
We can't state this strongly enough. Each contribution is priceless and 100% goes to asks on our network.
Things to Know
Not an investment
Contributing to the network is not an investment. We will apply to asks on a first-in, first-out basis, there is no guarantee that you will receive all of it.
$HEAL is double dipping
If your contribution gets returned, you are effectively getting both sides of the coin. Our tokenholders receive 5% of our revenues.
You can pledge a % of income
If you want, we can pull a monthly amount from your bank account as contributions for which you will earn cash rewards as part of our network.
Network fee
Our network is one of our most important growth engines. People who help share the mission of Ravida get rewarded by receiving a portion of the network fees.
Not an investment.
But, maybe a bit better.
With GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and others you are contributing to an idea or a future product.
Contributing with Ravida is a different approach.
100% of your contirbution goes to helping others.
For every dollar you contribute, you get a percentage of our future revenues.
Everyone wins.